India sets the COVID-19 record by reporting 346,786 new cases of infection on Saturday. For three consecutive days, India has been the number one country, in the world, suffering most from coronavirus infection. According to India’s government, India has set the world record with the rising number of infection cases every day during Corona Virus Pandemic. The country, now, has more than 16.6 million cases since the pandemic has started.
The death toll for the past 24 hours has reported 2,624 more deaths taking India’s COVID fatalities to a number of 189,544. Before India, it was the US, suffering from 300,310 cases per day. The necessities including intensive care unit beds, medicine, oxygen, and ventilators are in short supplies.
What the doctors are saying?
There are reports of a critical shortage of beds and oxygen in the worst-hit states like New Delhi and Maharashtra. According to the medical director, Dr. DK Baluja, at the Jaipur Golden Hospital told CNN:
“That happened last night. The oxygen did not arrive on time. It was supposed to come in at 5 p.m. instead, it came around midnight. People who were critically ill needed oxygen. We have only 15-20 minutes of oxygen left now. It may take hours to get another tanker”
NEW DELHI, INDIA ??? APRIL 23: Ambulances carrying Covid-19 victims line up at Nigambodh Ghat crematorium, on April 23, 2021 in New Delhi, India. (Photo by Sanjeev Verma/Hindustan Times via Getty Images) patients waiting to get admitted in hospital
Chandrika Bahadur, chairman of the Lancet Commission on Covid-19 India Taskforce, said on Wednesday:
“We’re going through pretty much the worst possible phase of the pandemic here.”
The necessities including intensive care unit beds, medicine, oxygen, and ventilators are in short supplies. Indian Communities, hospitals, and the economy are getting more devasted with each passing day.
Conditions of Crematoriums in India
While the dead bodies are accumulating in morgues and crematoriums. The country’s crematoriums are burning non-stop amid this third wave of COVID-19. Due to the consistent use of crematoriums the metal structure of furnaces has started melting and breaking down in the Western Gujrat.
Funeral pyres of people are pictured at a crematorium ground in New Delhi, India, on April 22, 2021. (Reuters) Relatives stand next to the burning funeral pyre of a Covid-19 victim, at a crematorium ground in New Delhi, India, April 22, 2021. (Reuters)
Two men working at a crematorium in Ahmedabad, India, April 22, 2021. (Reuters) Mass cremation of victims who died due to Covid-19 is seen at a crematorium ground in New Delhi, India, on April 22, 2021. (Reuters)
As India sets the COVID-19 record for consecutive three days, the crematoriums are facing a shortage of space for burning the deads. A citizen of India, Nitish Kumar, had to keep his mother’s dead body at home for nearly two days. Because he was unable to find a place at crematoriums.
With the shortage of oxygen and piling dead bodies in crematoriums, India is suffering from the second wave of COVID-19 more than any other country in the world. The Supreme court has asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government about a National Plan for Oxygen supply and medicines necessary for corona treatment.
Final word;
It seems like problems have found their way towards India. First the massive fires in Uttarakhand and now this world record of COVID-19 infections. Underfunding has crippled the health system of India. The doctors and officials are now using the social media platform for help to replenish the Oxygen supplies. Indian government should act properly by making immediate plans to fight this pandemic. Otherwise, the negligence at this stage can worsen the condition even more.