Tuesday, February 4, 2025

What Is The Future of Gaming Technology? Advances in Gaming Tech Trends

The year 2020 and 2021 have been hard for many businesses and enterprises across the world. But one department which thrives even under the curse of pandemics was the department of Video games Manufacturers. The gaming technology took a sharp turn last year with millions of addition in their yearly revenue. With everyone locked inside their houses, the majority of the population finds solace in video games.

Even those who weren’t anywhere near the video gaming took to their couches with the controllers in their hands. Even some video gamers started their youtube channels, Instagram, and Facebook pages and started side hustle to start income. And when video game Manufacturers look at the thriving interest of people in their games and equipment, they started working hard trying to provide better services.

And in providing better services, the market of Gaming technology faces a lot of advancements making it’s future brighter than ever. With the gaming trend rising like never before the first question that often comes to our mind is “What is the future of gaming technology?” or simply, “What is the future of Video games?” That’s what we are going to talk about here, today. We will talk about major advancing gaming technology trends that are here to stay with us and will evolve with each passing year.

New People Coming Out With New Gaming Technology Trends

Now a point to ponder over here is this, who will bring a change in the gaming world? From where do all the ideas come to make the gaming experience more comfortable and widespread? The question lies in gamers themselves. The new gaming generation which is coming to the workplace has been linked with gaming throughout their lives. Jus

Phil Harrison, Vice President, and GM, Google (Stadia) said;

“One of the most exciting things from a content perspective is the new generation coming into the workplace now that have played games all their life. Games for them are completely second-nature, not a strange career choice.” – Phil Harrison, Google”


I mean what can be more best than the upcoming video game manufacturers, designers, and workers who have been playing video games themselves throughout their lives. They know how to provide a better gaming experience to the gaming community. What does a gamer look for when finding a video game for himself? What might have been revolving his/her mind while playing the video game? With so much diversity and variety of talent coming to the market, there is no doubt that Gaming Technology will advance to new heights in the future.

Cloud Based Game Streaming

Advancement in gaming technology which is already here but needs time to thrive more is Cloud Based on Gaming. With Cloud gaming coming into the market the major issues faced by gamers when downloading games, assemble a gaming setup, will be the talk of previous days. Now a gamer wouldn’t have to buy, download, and update a game, they will just simply stream it via cloud gaming.

As you can see Naoki Yoshida, Producer, and Director, Final Fantasy XIV reflects his thoughts in Cloud gaming:

“I think the console wars will have neared their end, and cloud gaming will have just been established as the mainstream. Technology will continue to advance, but I think that in ten years’ time the limitations will no longer be on a hardware level and will have instead become a battle of the cloud servers. I’m sure ten years will fly by.”


Even though PC gaming has been loved and admired by everyone, it is so amazing to think that the same experience will be available on your mobile with this cloud gaming technology. You can take an idea of the increasing demand for Cloud-based gaming from the fact that the cloud-based gamers are increasing with the same amount as that of daily Netflix subscribers.

And not just on mobile the most beneficial feature of Cloud gaming is that it will be compatible with any other device. This means an uninterrupted online gaming experience will be possible without the need for PCs and consoles.

The success of software-as-service (SaaS) and platform-as-service (PaaS) has made it possible for this trend to spread rapidly. This software has introduced the model adopted in the gaming industry as Gaming-as-service (GaaS) which is the major requirement of the day. Many service providers have been shifting to cloud-based gaming. And many have already been done, but improvements are needed in every department.

If we think more deeply, I think Cloud-based gaming is easy for both consumer and service provider parties. It would be easy for them to provide their services even to those who are playing without their hardware system. This freedom from hardware systems will increase the gaming facilities and features providing better services like never before. Like Denby Grace, Executive Producer, 2K (Mafia III) said: 

I think the biggest advancement in gaming technology is already upon us, with cloud gaming. When it gets to a level where you’re truly no longer tethered to the hardware you have at your house – when you can take your gaming experiences wherever you are in the world, on whatever device you have – that’s when it will really open the doors to everyone and anyone being able to access to the content they want, whenever they want it.


And to be honest, with these cloud-based game streaming such trends will evolve which a simple gaming box just can’t manage on its own. It would require a widespread managing system that only Cloud streaming can provide.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are not new names to us. But this technology in the gaming world can create a whole lot of another world. A world that is a mixture of both the virtual and real world. VR technology has already been introduced in the gaming world. Many giant gaming companies ahs launched their VR sets with already installed games in them. It provides an immersive gaming experience that made your get lost in the virtual world.

The action plan games with VR technology would make you swoon over this trend. Now you won’t have to stick to your couches in a gaming room or living room, now you can take your game wherever you want. These gaming technologies will allow you to walk on the battleground, fire the guns, search for treasure, and do everything in a game all by yourself. Now you won’t handle the character. With VR and AR, you will be the character of the game. Viktor Bocan, Design Director, Warhorse Studios (Kingdom Come: Deliverance) said: 

I believe VR and streaming will be the most defining technologies in the next ten years in gaming. Virtual reality is the way forward: headsets need to be light, user-friendly, and affordable, but they will be quite soon. Other than that, I think streaming will help a lot; there’ll be no need for every player to have to have a beast computer under his desk.


VR technology will allow you to become a character of your favorite game and get lost in the virtual world. While AR technology will make you bring the virtual world into your physical world. This mixture of the virtual gaming world into your real world is another kind of fun we are looking forward to. All thanks to Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

Although many companies are coming forward with their VR technology-supported products and games, there are still many milestones to cover to reach the endpoint.

Gaming Wearables Will Diminsh the need of Keyboards and Mouse

Gaming wearables supported by AR will offer a more immersive experience. This is the emergence of the physical and virtual world higher than VR can allow. Like Kellee Santiago, Head of Developer Relations, Niantic, Inc. (Pokemon GO) said:

I think a big addition will be technology enabling the merge of digital and real-world games, so that there might even be esports that are both digital and physical, like football – with dragons!


This is gonna be the best gaming technology that will be most loved and admired by everyone. The wearables could be glasses, watches, eye lenses, or even whole costumes along with headsets. The AR and VR technology has made it possible for us to move away from our mouse and keyboards and make gaming a real-world task and not just a sit-all-day-on-your-PC thing.

Artificial Intelligence will change the whole perspective of Gaming

AI is a future technology trend that is here to stay for a long time. The gaming industries are working and focusing more on AI support. And there are only benefits that AI can bring. Gaming Manufacturers are looking more into deep learning, machine learning, and AI as to how they can provide better gameplay experience and game development at the same time.

The main aim of AI in the gaming industry is to share the workload of game designers to create more fun content in less time and with less manual work. AI has also supposed to give better predictions in consumer behavior. As what they may like to watch, how much longer a certain section of game players will like, and stuff like that. As Paul Sage, Creative Director, Borderlands 3 said:

We won’t have to craft and place every single blade of grass. And maybe, just maybe, the thing I am really excited about is cloud-based AI speech. What I mean is, games can have NPCs that are believable and give believable responses based on their “personality.” I don’t want to move away from great writing and hand-crafted dialogue, but I would like to have a “filler” that complements our craft. Using natural language parsing and personality profiles, I think we will start seeing some worlds made that are truly fleshed out. 


In short, each upcoming gaming technology will work to provide us a set up-free gaming experience. The notion of “I need to be in this room to play that game!” will be over with all these future gaming technologies. The gaming technology trends will continue to evolve and rise in the coming years. But the main aim of all this will remain the same; To provide a better gaming experience to everyone and anywhere they want.

As Takashi Iizuka, Head of Sonic Team, SEGA (Sonic Forces) said:

Over the past ten years we have seen games become a very popular medium of entertainment, but there are still many parts of the world where console games are not sold. There are also many people that do not invest their time and money into gaming experiences. With the introduction of 5G as a new network, developers can deliver affordable gaming experiences to people around the world on their mobile devices. I hope that everyone will be able to experience games as easily as they listen to music or watch videos on YouTube by 2030.


So, let’s just hope that whatever gaming technology came, it should bring comfort and fun to us! What gaming trend you liked? And what would you like to try? Tell us below in the comment section.

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